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5 Signs of Chronic Dehydration

Did you know that an alarming percentage of the population is chronically dehydrated? ‍It is estimated that a whopping 75% of Americans fall in to this category. Maintaining good hydration is essential to your overall health.


Dr. Austin


February 24, 2024

Did you know that an alarming percentage of the population is chronically dehydrated?

It is estimated that a whopping 75% of Americans fall in to this category. Maintaining good hydration is essential to your overall health.

Without water, the cells in your body can’t function, which is why the body can only survive a few days without it. Water makes up around 2/3 of our bodies and is used in countless crucial functions throughout the body. If you aren’t getting enough fluids, then this will affect nearly every part of your body, from your skin, hair, teeth, and nails... To your energy levels and mood. In short, it's impossible for the body to function at 100%. But many adults and kids don’t get enough fluids, which leads to chronic dehydration.

Dehydration can negatively affect many areas of your health so it’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of dehydration. Here are 5 signs of dehydration to look out for.

1. Headaches

When you’re short on fluids, you may get frequent headaches. Fluid depletion in the body leads to the contraction of blood channels in the brain, leading to headaches.

2. Dry skin, decreased skin elasticity, and chapped or cracked lips

One of the most common signs of dehydration is dry skin, chapped or cracked lips, and decreased skin elasticity. If you’re noticing your skin isn't quite as healthy or youthful as it once was, dehydration may be contributing.

3. Constipation

Dehydration can cause constipation as there is less fluid in your stool. That means the stool is more likely to be hard and get stuck in the intestines where it can create a painful and uncomfortable blockage.

4. Poor concentration

Not consuming enough fluids can take a toll on your brain and reduce your ability to concentrate. Some studies have shown that dehydration can be detrimental to short-term memory, concentration, and your mood.

5. Yellow or Dark Urine

If you want an easy way to check your hydration levels, then just look at the color of the urine. If it’s strong smelling and dark yellow or orange, then you are dehydrated and your urine isn’t diluted enough by water.

If you are experiencing any of the signs listed above, you definitely need to increase your fluid intake. One of the quickest and most efficient ways to do that is intravenously. Contact an iV Bars near you for more information.


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